Appius Lawyers - Perth Lawyers

Lawyers, The People That You Didn’t Think You Needed

A lawyer is not someone you think you need unless there is a dispute that you cannot resolve on your own. It is, however, the case that a business with an in-house lawyer has a big advantage over a business without one.

Daily, everyone in society interacts with the law. The law defines the bounds of what should be done in society, however, having a working knowledge of the law can assist you in the day-to-day.

Even in just buying a newspaper, you need not exchange any words, however, you will have to comply with the six elements of the contract. If one of those elements is offended that contract could be void. Now, you are not going to sue over the $2.50 contract, however, the same principles apply to a $2.50 contract, as do to a $2,500,000 contract.

Appius Lawyers want to dispel the perception that Lawyers cost a lot and are only used in a dispute.

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