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What to Do When Served with a Restraining Order in Western Australia

A violence restraining order (VRO) in Western Australia, is a legal document that aims to protect individuals from potential harm or harassment. Being served with a restraining order can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. However, understanding the appropriate actions to take is crucial in protecting your rights and effectively navigating the legal process. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on what to do when served with a restraining order in Western Australia, ensuring a fair and informed response.

Understanding Restraining Orders

Before delving into the specific steps, it is important to have a clear understanding of what restraining orders entail. In Western Australia, there are different types of restraining orders, including violence restraining orders (VROs), misconduct restraining orders (MROs), and family violence restraining orders (FVROs). These orders aim to protect individuals from various forms of harm, including physical violence, emotional abuse, stalking, or harassment.

Receiving a Restraining Order

Upon receiving a restraining order, it is crucial to remain calm and composed despite the emotional impact it may have. It is important not to panic and to approach the situation with a clear mind. The first step is to carefully review the document and take note of important dates, restrictions, and conditions outlined within it. It is crucial to read the order thoroughly to understand its implications fully.

When served with a restraining order, you have 21 days to respond. Therefore, time is of essence, and you will need to take advice in a timely manner in order to determine how you may wish to deal with the order.

Read and Understand the Restraining Order

Thoroughly reading and comprehending the contents of the restraining order is essential. Take your time to understand the specific restrictions, conditions, and obligations imposed upon you. If there are any unclear or ambiguous clauses, it is advisable to seek legal advice to ensure a full understanding of the order’s implications. A lawyer practising in family law or domestic violence can provide valuable insights and clarification.

Complying with the Restraining Order

Compliance with the restraining order is of utmost importance. Familiarise yourself with the specified restrictions and obligations outlined in the order. Ensure that you understand the boundaries and limitations set by the order to avoid any unintentional violations. Seeking legal guidance is crucial in interpreting and adhering to the terms of the order, as failure to comply can lead to serious consequences.

Gathering Evidence and Documentation

If you believe the restraining order has been unjustly issued or wish to contest its validity, it is important to gather relevant evidence to support your case. Collect any documents, emails, text messages, or other forms of evidence that can help present your perspective and challenge the allegations made against you. Organise and preserve this evidence carefully, as it will be instrumental in building your defence.

Consulting an experienced lawyer who practices in restraining orders is highly recommended. A lawyer can guide you through the legal process, provide advice on your specific circumstances, and help you develop a strong defence strategy. Discuss the details of your case openly with your lawyer, providing them with all the necessary information to enable them to assist you effectively. Engaging legal representation for court proceedings can significantly increase your chances of achieving a favourable outcome.

Responding to the Allegations

Crafting a clear and concise response to the allegations made in the restraining order is crucial. Address each allegation individually, presenting your perspective and providing any supporting evidence to refute the claims. It is important to maintain a respectful tone and refrain from making false or exaggerated statements. A well-structured and persuasive response can strengthen your position and demonstrate your commitment to resolving the situation amicably.

Preparing for Court

Preparing for court hearings is essential to ensure you present your case effectively. Familiarize yourself with the court process and the timeline of proceedings. Gather any witnesses who can testify on your behalf.

Attending Court Hearings

When attending court hearings, punctuality and preparedness are paramount. Arrive early and dress appropriately, presenting yourself in a respectful and professional manner. Pay close attention to the court’s instructions and guidance throughout the process.

Negotiating a Resolution

In certain cases, it may be possible to explore mediation or settlement options to reach a resolution outside of court. As ordinarily restraining orders require the protected person not be contacted or communicated with directly or indirectly, you must use the services of a lawyer or as directed by the order for the purposes of engaging in dialogue with a view to resolve the matter. Engaging in constructive discussions with the other party, under the guidance of legal professionals, can help find common ground and potentially resolve the issues at hand. Seek legal advice on negotiating terms to ensure your rights and interests are protected, and to ensure that you are not in breach of the order.

Court’s Decision and Implications

Once the court has made its decision, it is crucial to understand the potential outcomes and implications. Adhere to the court’s orders and decisions, ensuring full compliance with the terms set forth. Failure to comply with the restraining order can result in severe consequences, including fines or even imprisonment.

If you are dissatisfied with the court’s decision, you may have the option to appeal. Consult with legal professionals to assess the feasibility of appealing and to receive guidance on the necessary steps to follow. In certain circumstances, it may be appropriate to explore alternative legal remedies.

Seeking Support and Counselling

Dealing with a restraining order can be emotionally challenging. It is important to prioritise your well-being throughout the process. Seek support from friends, family, or support networks who can provide guidance and emotional assistance. Access counselling services if needed, as they can help you navigate the emotional impact of the situation.

Moving Forward after the Restraining Order

Once the restraining order has been addressed and resolved, it is essential to adapt to the new circumstances and restrictions. Take necessary precautions for personal safety and security. Focus on rebuilding your life and looking toward the future with a renewed sense of optimism and resilience.


Being served with a restraining order in Western Australia can be a distressing experience, but it is crucial to respond appropriately and navigate the legal process effectively. By understanding the order, seeking legal advice, complying with the restrictions, gathering evidence, and preparing for court, you can protect your rights and ensure a fair resolution. Remember to seek support and counselling when needed and prioritize your well-being throughout the process. With the right guidance and proactive approach, you can effectively respond to a restraining order and move forward with confidence.

Seek Professional Guidance with Appius Lawyers

When faced with a restraining order in Western Australia, having the right legal support can make all the difference. Appius Lawyers specializes in handling restraining order cases and is dedicated to protecting your rights and interests. Our experienced team of lawyers understands the intricacies of VROs, MROs, and FVROs, and will provide you with expert guidance every step of the way. With a commitment to delivering personalized and strategic solutions, Appius Lawyers will work tirelessly to build a strong defense tailored to your unique situation. When navigating the complex legal landscape of restraining orders, trust Appius Lawyers to be your advocate and guide, ensuring the best possible outcome for your case.

Contact us today at 08 6181 0600 or request a call back to learn more about how Appius Lawyers can support you in effectively responding to a restraining order and securing a favorable resolution.

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This is only general information and does not constitute specific legal advice. If you would like further information in relation to this matter or other legal matters please contact our office and arrange a consultation.

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